krish – 起死回生 [Wake up from death & return to life.]

November 5, 2014

Giving up Everything to move forward in Life!

Would you call me crazy if I said I don’t need a house, don’t need the TV, the car, the sofa, the dining table, the Fridge, utensils, cooler, suits, and a ton of stuff that we all keep inside 4 walls and rate our success in life with how much more we can stuff within those walls?

Would you call me mad, a lunatic, if I said life can be lived on a single backpack?

It’s 3:00 am, I’m awake despite being sick and short of breath due to Asthma.
Meditated for a bit, feels better now.

Dark room, silent surroundings with everyone asleep, good for thought process.
Two months, I’ve backpacked Malaysia and Singapore for 2 reasons.

  1. To find investors for my start-up and
  2. To assess if I can survive with one backpack.
A backpack with life's essentials is all I seem to need.

A backpack with life’s essentials is all I seem to need. Pudu Raya Bus Terminal, Malaysia .. waiting for bus to Singapore.

As I reflect on my thoughts and feelings I went through while backpacking,  I do not seem to need my urban luxuries of life to make anything better of it.

My car, the TV, and the seemingly un-ending list of items stuffed in the apartment, I can survive without it.
With the goals I have set for my life, none of this matters.

All I need is a laptop, and few clothes.
Should an Indie game developer need more than that?

Working on my upcoming game while backpacking. One laptop, a drawing tablet and access to Internet - thanks to a host who gave me shelter.

Working on my upcoming game. One laptop, a drawing tablet and access to Internet – thanks to a host who gave me shelter.

I always knew my life isn’t going to be about settling down at a place.
I’ll never fit in a society, a structure or an organisation, or the very nature of people to own more materialistic things of life to climb that social ladder, the society with it’s rules that I can’t find a logic too.
Quit my job 4 years ago to do what I love.
Toured quite a few places in India on my motorbike, but something is still holding me back.

Yes! the Possessions I have. Possession of things in life that needs you to stuff them inside 4 walls and call it home, are holding me back.
I need to let go to experience new things this world has to offer.
I need to make more friends, I need to meet more good people with positive vibes around the globe, see the world and immerse myself in the nature/beauty/history/stories that Earth has to offer.

This is it. I have to do this.
There is no reason to wait any longer.

I need to travel without boundaries,
I NEED to be FREE!

So, here’s a list of stuff that I’m giving up from my current life. (Click to go to the link)
A lot of “Free GiveAways to Friends” yay!, and a few things on sale. 🙂
If you’d like to see videos of my travels, you can subscribe to me on Youtube – click here.

Pantai Tengah beach, Langkawi, Malaysia. Nice place to sit and think of game ideas.

Pantai Tengah beach, Langkawi, Malaysia.
Nice place to sit and think of game ideas.

June 12, 2014

Femen Quebec Protests Montreal’s Grand Prix | My Thoughts on it

Filed under: Society — krish @ 1:42 am
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In response to this article

My thoughts:
May be Grand Prix time increases demand for paid sex; so does football time.

But for the whole point of “sexism” made by this article and the protester, I was wondering how on one side you protest against sexism and on the other side you write like only males enjoy Cars and racing.
That is sexism too right there. There are many women who like cars and racing.

It seems like feminists only like to “consider” only part of womens’ preferences to fight against.


Also, about the security guard dragging her out, and being called as “enjoying his job” .. THAT IS his job; as in the pic I don’t see him groping or anything (so IMHO, he is doing his job and not ‘enjoying’ per se) … Someone standing on a multi-million dollar car which he is assigned to protect… I think he needs to do what he needs to do (just like the protester has her thing to do) … so stop trying to drag in sympathy by blaming someone else.

As far as Grand Prix or MotoGP having pit/crew/paddock girls, I would say it is entirely their wish. They get paid, and it’s upto them if they want to take part or not. No one is dragging them by their necks to be a crew girl. It’s a job, there is money (and probably more benefits), they want it, they take up the job.

Besides, so much for feminism that says no one should mind even if women run naked on streets, and then raise hue and cry over outfits of grand prix.


I personally think GrandPrix and MotoGP girls look beautiful and they help encourage the riders/drivers to perform better (very basic male nature is to outperform and bring best out of them when the ladies are around). I would call them part of “encouragement” team and view their job “no less” than anything; it is “part of the team“.

Sadly extremist-feminist seem to try to see “lowness” in this.

P.S:  Pretty sure our extremist feminist friends didn’t find anything wrong in this protest that included gestures with dildos in front of “kids” that were at that event?
This world is full of people that want to get their way work out, raise hue and cry about their preferences not being met but aren’t open enough to consider other’s issues.
Bravo, Bravo! (sarcasm) -_-

March 23, 2014

“Don’t marry a Muslim”

Filed under: Society — krish @ 6:21 pm

Reminds me, just a couple of hours ago.. I was sitting in a Cafe run by Muslims and sipping on Irani tea, when a 15 yr old boy working there as the tea-boy, asked me “Are you telugu? or Are you Christian”

I replied “I am an Insaan-ian” (aka .. believer of humanity)

He asked again “No I mean who is your God!”

I said “BIRYANI” 😛

November 27, 2013

10 Marriage Tips Every WIFE Needs to Hear

Filed under: Society — krish @ 11:54 pm

Pretty awesome write up.
Some things that most parents don’t tell their kids.
Click Here to read, I am just reblogging it because it’s worth it – 10 Marriage Tips Every WIFE Needs to Hear.

My new companion

Filed under: Society — krish @ 7:49 pm
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Last 3 months, no proper diet .. eating all crap again… no running/sprinting either; pressed for time working on my first game release ( and with over little more than 3-4 hrs max sleep everyday has taken a super toll on my health.

Asthma is back in life!
4 days back I was completely down, unable to move.. hands trembled, unable to breath either (as if breathing last breaths .. this happened 2 yrs ago once).

Depending on inhaler...not good.

Depending on inhaler…not good.

Life went from using pills to puffing on Asthaline in 4 days.
Living alone makes it worse, that lonely feeling, that emptiness and staring at blank walls, and no one to talk to…. but I guess this is still is better than living with anyone who back-stabs you.

It is immensely painful both emotionally and physically, but if this is what it takes to ride the path I chose in life.. then so be it.
Bring it on; It’s a Do or Die bitch.

October 5, 2013

I Disagree: Developing Serious Relationships in Your 20s Matters

Filed under: Society — krish @ 10:52 pm
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Found this blogpost –

Here’s my response:

Trust me, not everyone is lucky enough to find a good person.
So, putting time and effort to get into a relation with a person (probability of whom turning out to be a bitch/dog/backstabber is high; really high) is pure “time waste”, while you could be changing / contributing good to the world.
— from personal experience.

I am approaching 30 soon (say 4 yrs more) and I really feel horrible/like crying about not doing the things I could have done in last decade (excluding last year) instead of the time and effort I put in trying to build a relationship with someone.

You may feel that connection is strong, but you will never know that for the other person it could be super weak and you could just be a lowest priority.
So anyone could simply wreck your relationship anytime they want.

That blog post is good enough for people who think life is about
school->work->findmate->havekids->makethemhavekids->then die.

For some of us, life means different. It means creating something awesome, or improvising or gaining more knowledge. Part of it is finding a good mate to live life with, which sometimes proves to be more harmful and peace destroying than making you happy.
Doesn’t mean you go hammer all your 20s trying to get a relationship right (I’ve done that for a decade and I know how the boat sinks.. and it does very badly).

Instead, try to do awesome things of life. Try art, try creation, try adventure, try travel, try language, try charity/social-responsibility, try knowledge of history, architecture, may be language, culture or martial arts.

It doesnt matter if you cant develop a serious relationship in 20s.
What matters is have you done something awesome with your life.

July 21, 2013

Walter’s Visit to India!

Continued from here –

Meeting Walter after almost an year was pretty awesome fun!

When not in meeting rooms,
– we explored Bangalore,
– walked long stretches on streets,
– hogged on local food (and so busy at it, that I forgot to take pics),
– hung out at Toit Brew Pub,
– almost got conned by Auto-walas due to Walter’s white skin 🙂 … suddenly 2.5kms of auto was 150 bucks.
– met old friends for dinners (again, pics missing darn it )

I personally was busy munching these super tasty waffles (Stroopwafels) that Walter brought me from Holland (there’s more where that came from…. read the whole log) 😉



He then flew to Hyderabad for continued fun! (thanks to him for carrying my old lid with him, I got to test my new touring lid at high speeds  :D)

Essentially we had 2 goals – (A). Find the spiciest local food  and  (B). Hog on it
So here we go…

Walter vs 70mm Dosa Guess who won? :)

Walter vs 70mm Dosa
Guess who won? 🙂

Insert an awesome pic of a white guy and an Indian guy hogging on big plates of spicy biryani, mutton roasts, Lassi, Faluda and tons of yummy stuff here... can't find the pics :_(

North Indian Cuisine - extra spiced up!

North Indian Cuisine – extra spiced up!

Decided to hit my sunset watching spot… we had a bag of 150 odd Lychee’s (my favorite fruit) and drinks to go!

My fav sunset watching and munching spot in City.

My fav sunset watching and munching spot in City.

One noon we found this pigeon in parking spot, was sitting and crapping on someone’s bike… I wondered why it wouldn’t fly even though I got pretty close to it AND the facts that cats move around here… inspected, found it injured.

Unable to Fly :(

Unable to Fly 😦

We decided to do the rescue ops, and Walter tried to put it back in its nest (as its partner looked by) …. with all his 6’3” mighty vertical length 🙂 .. didnt work.

Not sure if rescue ops or tap dance? -_-

Not sure if rescue ops or tap dance? -_-

He vertically supported the ladder (because it was bit short to rest on the ceiling walls) and the short guy (that’d be me) went up it to put the pigeon back. Team work 🙂
Meanwhile, my watchman whom I asked to hold my camera.. decided to film it (un-needed marketing team member) .. so here’s screenshots from the video (not posting the video :D)

Alright, another 3 feet to climb.. I can do this. Sweat Sweat :) Pigeon in hand:  WTF is happening. The other Pigeon in nest: crazy people!

Alright, another 3 feet to climb.. I can do this.
Sweat Sweat 🙂
Pigeon in hand: WTF is happening.
The other Pigeon in nest: crazy people!

Anyway, we managed to put it back safe (and I managed not to eat it.. so thats good I guess)

Rescue ops success :)

Rescue ops success 🙂

I wish Walter could stay longer, but he missed his wife ‘Mine’ who couldn’t make it to this trip. I guess that’s what happens when you find a soul-mate who he describes as ‘Awesome Woman’.

Just kidding ;)  I am very happy for him :D

Just kidding 😉
I am very happy for him 😀

Anyway, after he left I spent 3 days trying to drill and cut the big dark-chocolate bar he brought for me(another gift from Holland!).
It was bigger than my meat cutting knife, almost my elbow length…

Dark-Chocolate Massacre Saga!

Dark-Chocolate Massacre Saga!

And then another 30 days eating it in various different ways (my fav way is to melt it at room temp and eat with fingers and smudging the face.. probably how dark-chocolates should be eaten in the first place :P)
… and getting fat 😀

with Cashews? .. my fav dry fruit

with Cashews? .. my fav dry fruit..nut

Bottom line, Absolutely happy to see/hangout with my friend and the fact that he finally came to India (should have brought his wife along for extended stay).

What makes me happy is that he was and still is “Awesome” in many ways!
Before he left we made a note to each other (NO, it was not a pinky promise.. we’re grown men!) that he’s gonna continue being the good person he is, and that’d help me take a reference.. so we would remain best buddies forever 🙂

His way of life reminds me the way my dad was, and that I always wanted to derive from that.. AND that I went downhill instead.

Indirectly, I owe him for re-providing me a good reference for the ‘way to live’ and that it helped me take a very tough/difficult, hurting decision in my life (~ 1 year ago).
Hurting as hell, still does.. but the RIGHT thing needed to be done; is DONE.

Walter, you Rock!

March 21, 2013

Male Startup Entrepreneurs shouldn’t marry an Indian girl unless…

Disclaimer: This doesn’t hold for ‘entire’ women of India.
There are awesome women in India.. be it urban or rural areas… I’ve met some and I consider myself lucky to have seen how valuable they are to their husbands, to the society and as a woman.

If you feel offended or want to do some ‘Indian version of feminist’ bashing about this post / you’re a new blood boiling so-called feminist due to recent media highlight on rapes in India, then you’re either immature/haven’t seen much life/can’t accept the truth.
Feel free to bash if you itch to, but I have a decade long of scars/experience on my heart and tons of cases observed… so I know what the fuck I am talking about.

Well, back to the topic,

Friend IDG shared this – on Facebook, and I couldn’t agree more 🙂

I’d also say ‘Male Startup Entrepreneurs shouldn’t marry an Indian girl unless She

0. Understands that passion

1. Can maintain ‘mental peace’ at home

2. Has an independent mind not driven/manipulated by her relatives.
(Some people never realize this throughout their lives.)

3. Doesn’t not consider you as an investment/free ATM machine.

4. Is willing to ‘at least morally’ support you at downtimes.
(As per gender equality, she should be able to step up and support financially too at dry times… but personally I’ve always believed its better NOT to touch an Indian girl’s money.. like NEVER. For “MOST” of them the sense of gender equality is about what they can get from someone.. and not about what they can do for someone.)

5. Knows when its the right time for babies.. and not mentally force you to spawn some for the heck of it.. or just because her relatives want to play with babies now.
Think, Can you afford best education and health for your kid yet?

6. And there are another TON of points which I don’t want to waste my time writing up. 🙂

If you do find an Indian girl who is up for some “realistic” gender equality and actually is a +ve to hang around with during your startup stage.. then pat yourself on the back gentleman… you’ve found a rare gem.
Treasure her, Value her and take good care of her. That’s a person worth taking a bullet for.

January 17, 2013

It was today

Filed under: Society — krish @ 10:45 am
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Yup Yup… it was today!
And its here again, one more year pass by.

The day of false promises and faking relations, insulting a relation as beautiful as a wedlock by getting into it with over eagerness, manipulated by an external sly for their benefits.

Things people do in the pretext of Love.

Things people do in the pretext of Love.

My memory hasn’t faded a bit yet. I remember every incident of the past.
I will remember, irrespective of how many years pass by.

Thank you Nature for giving me a longer memory.. for it helps me see through deceptions by comparing behavioral patterns from samples of incidents from years.

Things that don't happen in real life.

Things that don’t happen in real life.

January 13, 2013

Real Woman. How many are left?

Filed under: Society — krish @ 3:34 pm
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I'm sure they are rare.This is the kind of woman who deserves respect. I bow.

I’m sure they are rare.
This is the kind of woman who deserves respect. I bow.

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