krish – 起死回生 [Wake up from death & return to life.]

October 5, 2013

I Disagree: Developing Serious Relationships in Your 20s Matters

Filed under: Society — krish @ 10:52 pm
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Found this blogpost –

Here’s my response:

Trust me, not everyone is lucky enough to find a good person.
So, putting time and effort to get into a relation with a person (probability of whom turning out to be a bitch/dog/backstabber is high; really high) is pure “time waste”, while you could be changing / contributing good to the world.
— from personal experience.

I am approaching 30 soon (say 4 yrs more) and I really feel horrible/like crying about not doing the things I could have done in last decade (excluding last year) instead of the time and effort I put in trying to build a relationship with someone.

You may feel that connection is strong, but you will never know that for the other person it could be super weak and you could just be a lowest priority.
So anyone could simply wreck your relationship anytime they want.

That blog post is good enough for people who think life is about
school->work->findmate->havekids->makethemhavekids->then die.

For some of us, life means different. It means creating something awesome, or improvising or gaining more knowledge. Part of it is finding a good mate to live life with, which sometimes proves to be more harmful and peace destroying than making you happy.
Doesn’t mean you go hammer all your 20s trying to get a relationship right (I’ve done that for a decade and I know how the boat sinks.. and it does very badly).

Instead, try to do awesome things of life. Try art, try creation, try adventure, try travel, try language, try charity/social-responsibility, try knowledge of history, architecture, may be language, culture or martial arts.

It doesnt matter if you cant develop a serious relationship in 20s.
What matters is have you done something awesome with your life.

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